From a WiNG5 perspective, the Motorola Wireless Infrastructure will be going for Voice Enterprise Certification - currently tracking some time in Q4. As part of this certification, we are implementing elements of .11r, .11k as well as .11v.
Are there any AP vendors who support this technology yet? From what I've seen, widespread adoption of the features offered in 802.11r is pending the WiFi alliance creating their Voice-Enterprise certification.
3 Replies
From a WiNG5 perspective, the Motorola Wireless Infrastructure will be going for Voice Enterprise Certification - currently tracking some time in Q4. As part of this certification, we are implementing elements of .11r, .11k as well as .11v.
Is there a current list of MCD products that support 802.11r (if any)?
Are there any AP vendors who support this technology yet? From what I've seen, widespread adoption of the features offered in 802.11r is pending the WiFi alliance creating their Voice-Enterprise certification.