ES400 connecting to RL4 Oneil printer by BT

P Paulo Takahashi 3 years 10 months ago
2 3 0

Hi friends, I'm in front of a great issue regarding on BT connection. I'm supporting a partner that is not having success to connect ES400 to RL4 Oneil printer. All the process is done normally, but when he define the COM port (8 or 9), the ES400 shows the following error message: " The COM port could not be created. Please check your settings and try again" Using another devices, like as MC75, the connection is fine. The partner tested with CS40 (INTERMEC), and the connection is fine, too. Just on ES400 the BT connection fails. The ES400 is with the latest OS version (01.19.103). I'll appreciate your help. Kind regards, Paulo

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3 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Cengiz,  The issue may be that the registry keys in sympint.reg need to be changed for your bluetooth connection since only the QL220 key are initially configured for BT. To change them , edit symprint.reg and look for the printer type you require e.g. for the Zebra RW420 the keys are as follows: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\SymPrint\RW420]

"WriteRetryCount"=dword:00000005 "WakeupTimeoutInSeconds"=dword:00000014 "TldDLL"="PrintTLDUSB.dll" "SleepTime"=dword:00000078 "ShowBTDialog"=dword:00000001 "PrintPort"="COM1: 19200" "PrintMode"=dword:00000001 "PddDll"="PrintPDDComtec.dll" "NumReConnect"=dword:00000005 "FlowControlType"=dword:00000000 "DlgDLL"="" "DevicePort"=dword:000017d5 "DeviceAddress"="" "BTCommTimeout"=dword:00000035 "BindDevice"=dword:00000001    To change these to use the Bluetooth interface , you would need to change the two keys below, save the file and remerge it with the registry on the device: "TldDLL"="PrintTLDBluetooth.dll" "PrintPort"="COM4: 19200" Best Regards, Ian Hatton

r roberto cottone

Hi Paulo.    This issue is due to the fact that the ES400 does not support the Stonestreet BT stack and consqeuently has no pre-defined Bluetooth comm ports. You can manually add a BT comm port using the Microsoft BT stack during the pairing process - the attached doc shows how this can be done when using the Symbol Print Driver library.       Alternatively you could also use the new ScanAndPair powertool in the EMDK for .Net 2.5 which will create a paired comm port for a BT printer by just scanning a barcode containing the MAC address of the printer. Best Regards, Ian Hatton EMEA

r roberto cottone

Hi Ian, I tested this app with windows stack too but it can not pair any printer unfortunately. Am I missing something besides mentioned on the manual? By the way how can I find some sample apps for ScanandPair tool ? thanks

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