MC65 Not returning Battery Charge Cicles

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A Alex Esquijarosa Chavian 3 years 10 months ago
7 6 0

Team, I came across a problem with a costumer that use MC5574 and now is migrating to MC65. The thing is that they used to have some control on the batteries using the Charge Cicles obtained programmaticaly. Now, the MC65 do not return any value on the Charge Cicles (always 0). We updated to the latest EMDK and everithing but without success. Any thoughts will be appreciated. Best regards, Alex.

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6 Replies

S Steve Cundy

In the Help file for EMDK for C v2.5, in the 'API Compatibility Matrices' section, 'ES400 Programming' subsection, under the heading 'Resource Coordination', item 3 states: "3. The ChargeCycles and StateOfHealth fields in the SmartBatteryStatus structure are not supported." Also, since the MC65 is the same platform (e.g., Ellis) as the ES400, the ChargeCycles and StateOfHealth fields in the SmartBatteryStatus structure are therefore also not supported on the MC65.

A Alex Esquijarosa Chavian

Marcus, I appreciate your help. I'll contact Steve to see if there is something we can do. Best regads, Alex.

S Steve Cundy

Yes, I previously found that the MC65 (and ES400) do not properly support the Motorola Smart Battery. The Battery and Power Management drivers do not properly implement the Motorola smart Battery API - particularly the wBatteryChargeCycles and byStateOfHealth fields of the SMART_BATTERY_STATUS structure.

S Sean Wheatley

Your problem might be related to this case speak to support and they will be able to confirm. Possible faulty/corrupt battery. A question mark (?) shows up on the battery meter on the top tool bar.

Case Id No.:

Case Title:

Date Created:

Date Closed:

Part Number:

Case Resolution:
1. Please, ask the customer to update MC65 to the latest OS:…... 2. Run the cab file attached and follow recommendations from the document. It will show the customer if device is working correctly or still has a problem.

Agent Name:

Case Notes:

*** NOTES 12/21/2011 04:10:06 PM QFHX73 Action Type: Email Received
My customer Jewson has battery issues on the MC65. ? (question mark) over the battery symbol and â??incorrect batteryâ? messages on terminals.

I did a look up and found this clarify case and suspect corrupt/faulty batteries. Can you advise what they should do please? Jewson are not on bsp 31.2, they are on bsp 19.11

*** NOTES AND STATUS CHANGE 12/21/2011 04:10:29 PM QFHX73 Action Type: Email Sent

1.Please, ask the customer to update MC65 to the latest OS:

2.Run the cab file attached and follow recommendations from the document.
It will show the customer if device is working correctly or still has a problem.

Let me know the results.

*** CASE CLOSE 12/23/2011 03:50:20 PM QFHX73
Internal Coding: Not Used
Not Used
Not Used

Status: Closed
Resolution: Resolved
1.Please, ask the customer to update MC65 to the latest OS:

2.Run the cab file attached and follow recommendations from the document.
It will show the customer if device is working correctly or still has a problem.

A Alex Esquijarosa Chavian

Sean, The Battery works fine and there is no '?' (question mark) over the battery symbol on the OS. I'm doing test with a MC65 in my desk updated to the latest OS and with the latest EMDK and the problem persist. The Part Number is just about fine, the Serial Number too, but the Charge Cicles are always 0 (zero). Even I bring a battery from an MC55 and made the test and is the same. Using an MC55 the results are slightly different but all the data is the (P/N, S/N, Charge Cicles).thanks for the quick answer. Best regards, Alex.

M Marcus Kurath

I did some work with ECSG  last year on a battey condition utility. We found that the MC65 does not have the smart battery sw enabled correctly. I'm not aware of any plans to implement smart battery technology on the MC65. Your correct...I have used the same battery (MC55 in an MC65 and MC65 in an MC55)..The battery is fine...its the MC65 which can not correctly pull the charge cycles from the battery Steve Cundy was the ECSG person I worked with..he may be able to give you a more concise explanation on why the MC65 cant poll the info...but the short answer is it does not work i=on the MC65

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