ET1 stylus

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 10 months ago
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Has anyone tested a 3rd party capacitive stylus that works with ET1? Thanks!

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4 Replies

S Serge Larose

It exist 4 type of stylus, the one that we use with our MC65 for example have a hard plastic tip that do not work with the ET1, I tested 3 type of stylus one with a sponge tip one with a soft rubber tip and one with a brush tip.

 The stylus with the brush tip seem to work better. But noting close to the performance of the stylus on a MC65 for example. Serge

r roberto cottone

I use a conductive "rubber" tip that came as an Ipad accessory.  It is made of conductive rubber and it is housed within a metal tube (allows the conductivity from the tip to the human).  It works well for touching and clicking.  It does NOT work well for dragging or signature capture... the rubber is sticky, makes it harder to slide/drag and it seems to leave a rubbery residue on the screen.  But I use it because it is the best off-the-shelf stylus that I have found. Before I found that one, I tried making my own: I made one with conductive foam (chips are packed with it) it works better, but it's homemade and it seems to crumble easily, but it did work much better than the rubber type. I painted a plastic stylus with conductive glue, coating the whole thing then letting it dry.  I built up the tip with several layers so that it had a larger surface area that touched the screen. It worked but the dried glue flakes off. If you find a better stylus, keep us posted!  Good luck.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Problem I have is that I need this stylus for signature capture on screen :). I have tested a commercial capacitive stylus (which works fine on a XOOM tablet) on a ET1, and it's pretty slow. So it is unusable for signature capture. I have found another thread about this issue on Launchpad community, feel free to read it.

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