Killing a Start Inventory action on a fx9500 and fx7400

R Rui Morais 3 years 10 months ago
5 0 0

Greetings everyone, I'm working on a .net application that starts an inventory action with the RFID readers fx9500 and fx7400. All goes ok unless the client system crashes preventing the Stop Inventory action to be sent to the readers. This puts the readers in a continuous state of reading everything that passes through the antennas (although the fx9500 model seems to just stop reading after some time) and when I try to connect again to them I get a "Connection Already exists" exception and the only way to fix this is to manually reboot the readers. I would like to know if there is any configuration (that can be done on both scanner models) to free the connection after a timeout or if there is something codewise that can be done to eliminate this problem. Thanks in advance Rui

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