// Expert user has replied.
r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
2 13 0

Hi MSP demo licenses expired the last February 15th. Please, post new licenses ASAP, we need them to continue with our self-training and demos

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13 Replies

C Christopher Sather

The staging license key says it provides 10 licenses, but when I added the key to my MSP server, it only provided 1 license.
MSP Stage Edition License for Demo Purposes
Qty: 10
Expiration: 05/30/2012

License Key: (omitted on purpose)…

R Russel Piland

The current keys appear to be working on my MSP 4.0 server. Tested all three keys.

r roberto cottone

Yes, all of them are working now. The Staging license is only for one Seat, but it's ok for me. Thank you all for your help !

J John Eveleth

New demo licenses have been uploaded...

K Kevin Goulet

All, New demo licesnses were tested and uploaded to the site today,  My apologies for the delay on this. Thanks, Kevin Goulet

S Steve Zimmerman

The MSP Demo licenses have been updated, tested, and reposted. Sorry for the confusion. Go to: Z

r roberto cottone

Not sure Ignacio.  I set up a Compass notification to let me know whenever new content is posted or changed in the MSP area.  That's how I received those links. Ken

E Edward Rowlance

Take a look now.  Same place as always: 

r roberto cottone

Hi Ken, Thank you very much. I was not aware of that links. Do you know if the old site will no longer be used for new demo licenses?

S Steve Zimmerman

These license keys are invalid. Let's hope this gets resolved swiftly.

E Edward Rowlance

We're working on it.

S Stephen Vye

I found this too, and have not had a response from the Product Manager yet!

r roberto cottone
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