Has anyone heard of a scale that can send the weighed information to one of our Mobile COmputers? Searching Bluetooth scales now but was wondering if anyone has done this. Ken
Scale data to a Mobile Computer// Expert user has replied. |
Scale data to a Mobile Computer// Expert user has replied.Has anyone heard of a scale that can send the weighed information to one of our Mobile COmputers? Searching Bluetooth scales now but was wondering if anyone has done this. Ken |
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2 Replies
Ken, You can interface a RS232 scale such as the one at http://www.pcrush.com/product/POS-Scales/481204/Weigh-Tronix-6712-POS-S…; to most of our MC's via a serial connection either to the cradle or using a USB to RS232 convertor cable. You could also use the Datawedge serial input capability to put the scale data into any application on the MC. Best Regards, Ian Hatton MSI EMEA
Thank you for the Information. Ken