Our partner is trying to install the Web filtering feature of the BlueCoat appliance. They are asking if our Wing 5 controller/AP can do L3 WCCP (web cache communication protocol) or L4 PBR ( policy based routing). They want to redirect all HTTP/HTTPS traffic to the BlueCoat device. If my understanding is correct, our current Wing5.3 PBR feature can only do L3 redirection. Are there other ways to support this feature ?
Wing5 L4 redirection// Expert user has replied. |
2 Replies
As far as TCP/IP goes, there's no L4 redirection, there's L3 redirection based on ACL. You can use L4 ACLs (TCP/UDP only) in your route maps. Furthermore, there's a howto posted to compass, just on this (if I understood your task correct) Please see attached.
Yes, this is what I need. Thank you very much!