camera app wanted (WM6.5)

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
1 6 0

Team, I'm looking for a small application which starts the standard MS image capture dialog and can be called by specifying its path from inside another application. Another option would be a command line to start the standard MS pimg app in camera mode - again the command line will be used from inside the other application. Thanks, Valery

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6 Replies

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

There is no camera.exe in \Windows -at all- or there is no visible camera.exe in \Windows? Just in case try this link: 00#\windows\camera -i If camera.exe does not really exist you will get a popup error.


no camera.exe in \Windows at all obviously the shortcut does not work. Yes I tried :)


So the prize goes to Ian Hatton who has sent to me the attached executable (the compiled sample from WM 6.5.3 DTK) which does exectly what I was looking for. Thanks to Ian and all replied! Valery

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks but - there is no camera.exe in \Windows folder on MC95, only camera.lnk with rather strange contents inside - which does not work being called from another app.  Here is what's in the shortcut be the way

M Marcus Kurath

TRhedre is an imager API in the EMDK...there is also some sample code in the EMDK...I'm not a programmer, but the WSW support guys have helped me with the cample app a few times

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