Prompt Upgrading to

// Expert user has replied.
J John Eveleth 3 years 5 months ago
2 6 0

I am attempting to upgrade MC9190 CE6.0 (OEM 1.24.0009) from Fusion (which was installed previously) to, however when installing I get a prompt stating Fusion 3.0 is already install and asks if I want to reinstall.  I'm upgrading it via Airbeam (install command \windows\wceload.exe /noaskdest) and am trying to make it so there's no user interaction required. Anybody upgrading from 20R to 25R and seen this?  Any ideas? Thanks!

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6 Replies


If is not wceload.exe displaying the message try removing setup.dll from the cab (with something like wince cab manager).  Also ensure the command line is correct - I would put the cab path in quotes i.e. wceload.exe "\application\" /silent

J John Eveleth

Looks like /noui did the trick, thanks Dan!!

H Herbert de Jong

Some background reading when not dealing with hot customer issues. WCEload  valid switches
Valid options for CE5

/noaskdest                       Specifies that the user is not prompted for the installation directory.


If this parameter is used, other parameters such as the .cab file path are ignored, and the default directory specified in the

[DefaultInstall] section of the .inf file is used.


/delete 0                                                 Does not remove the .cab file after the contents are installed.


/noui                                   Specifies that user will not be prompted for any input during installation. By default, prompts are answered with 'Yes'.

Vaild options for WM5 in addition to CE5


/silent                                switch only for WM5.

Suppresses dialog boxes during the installation, and all Yes/No prompts  default to 'Yes', unless the .cab file is not signed.

However, if the .cab file is unsigned, any security-related prompts will default to  ‘No' for security reasons, and the installation might fail. 


/noaskdest                       has some bugs  on WM5


Note:           On updated installation of CAB you can run into the following dialog, even if the initial install was done with wceload /noui /noaskdest /silent

"The previous version of will be removed before the new one is installed. Select OK to continue or Cancel to quit."

This is a limitation of Wceload

WM5 wceload /noaskdest           limitation…


Wceload of Kings and Cabbage,guid,1de2284c-a65e-417c-a1…

J John Eveleth

Thanks Paul, someone else suggested that as well but after trying it I still got the same prompt.  Also tried using the older Airbeam package builder which had the CAB checkmark option but still the same outcome.  It's looking more like a Fusion issue, it appears if you already have an upgraded version of Fusion 3.x it thinks you're just reinstalling it, even though it's actually a newer version of 3.x.


Try the /noui command line option.


Try the /silent option

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