No Calibrate on MC2180

D David Dederick 3 years 5 months ago
21 3 0

Has anyone set no calibrate registry on the MC2180 CE6? For a bonus it would be nice to also not have the error message wall paper indicating an improper shutdown. The usual settings shown below do not seem to work
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SYMBOL\STARTUP]      "ForceCalibrate"=dword:00000000      "SkipCalibrate"=dword:00000001

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH]      "CalibrationData"="508,502 240,219 243,787 798,790 797,224 "

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Welcome]      "Disable"=dword:FFFFFFFF Thank you for any help. Dave

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3 Replies


Did you get a solution to remove "improper shutdown" ? David

D David Dederick

No solution to removing notification. I was informed that engineering is aware of a bug when the notification is not shown.
Invalid Shutdown notification is not shown when battery is pulled out:

a.       This is a bug in the system power driver and that can be addressed easily.

A Amoolya Srivalson

Improper shutdown notification can be disabled by setting value of Duration to 0 as shown in this registry key :

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motorola\InvalidShutdownNotify] "Duration"=dword:000000 And the calibration screen can be disabled using the below registry key itself

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SYMBOL\STARTUP]      "ForceCalibrate"=dword:00000000      "SkipCalibrate"=dword:00000001 With these keys , I could disable calibration screen and improper shutdown notification on MC2180  CE6.0 OEM 34.0017.

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