Polish Fonts on MC9190

A Andrea Sada 3 years 5 months ago
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Hi Team I have a challenge at SAB Miller who are not a Motorola Global Client. Zetes recently won the SAB Miller bussiness and have approacvhed me with the following thechnicasl issue. SAB Miller South Africa have recently aquired a number of MC9190 G's for their operation in Poland. The System Integration is done in South Africa and the devices are then shipped into the EMEA region. The customer is using a telnet client from Georgia Soft Works, and the device is not displaying special Polish characters correctly withing the yelnet session. Q1:Has anyone encountered a similar issue with displying special Polish characters on our devices. If so is ther w workaround or a known solution.   Q2: Does anyone know weather the GSW Telnet client manages it own fonts, or does it inherit its font set from the OS? Assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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