Opt way for App to use WiFi and WAN

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P Pavel Bodjanac 3 years 5 months ago
1 4 0

Hi Folks, I have a customer that is looking to deploy MC65's and they would like to have both their WAN (in this case Sprint) activated and WiFi available at the same time. They would like their one main application to primarily communicate through the WAN Sprint, but if they are in an area where there is poor Sprint coverage, be able to go to a public hotspot and communicate through the WiFi. Another example is when their rep is at their home office, they want the application to perform downloads/uploads over WiFi to save $$$ on their WAN Sprint data plan. It is my understanding that the Microsoft Connection Manger throught the Network Manager and Select Network by setting Internet Access to Sprint Setting for WAN or My Work Network for WiFi ... has something to do with this. However, I have tried RemCapture and played with reg setting, but can not seem to get consistent results. Has someone done this and figured this all out and can help me out. I would really appreciate this. Thanks. Paul

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4 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

I have had a few customer who wanted to use both the WAN and WLAN interfaces. I have no direct test results but based on the customer feedback...   As long as both are enabled, the WLAN seems to take presedence for communication without any special configuration. The exception to this is sessions which are in progress when the device moves from a cell coverage to a WLAN coverage area...As long as the cell coverage is present the existing sessions seem to be persistent on the cell modem. All new connections would be on the WLAN

D Don Khan

Paul,          If a VPN is considered then there are properties of some mobile VPNs to allow a level of connection manipulation and mitigation. If MDM is being considered, then have a look at SOTI.  You can set policies of this nature.  I am not certain of how granular the policies are as this is my first look at SOTI. Still investigating!

S Steven Veverka

I have customer trying to do the same with Sprint ES400s.

D Daniel Teeters

The Microsoft Connection Manager will always stay connected to the last network you connected to WiFi or Cellular until it is totally out of coverage. The only way I could get this to work was with a Symscript, my Symscript is automated, but you could have one that is actived by an ICON on the AppCenter or Windows desktop.

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