Internet Explorer "Home" hotkey

I Ian Jobson 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

All, I have a customer using Internet Explorer on their MC9090s to run their Warehouse Management System. Its really not the best enterprise install I've ever seen but this is a budget retailer who doesn't want to spend money!! They have had an issue recently where users have been surfing the web when they're supposed to be working (heaven forbid!) and have asked us to lock down the IE toolbar. I've done this with a script, however, when the user logs out in order to get back to their home page they usually retype the URL or use the IE menus (like I said not the best solution!). Does anyone know whether there is a hotkey that we can use in IE to reload the home page? I've tried using "BKSP" but that just reloads the logout page, and the info on Microsoft support suggests using Alt+Home, but there is obviously no "Home" key on the key pad. Thanks IJ

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1 Replies


Ian,  I think the solution to this would be to add the Home key to the default keyboard map via kbtools - it should then be functional for showing the home page via Alt+Home as documented by MS. Best Regards, Ian Hatton

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