Reference for SAP/ITSMobile (Html)

P Paul Pandelidis 3 years 5 months ago
5 2 0

I am looking for any reference you may have or know of around a mobile computing installation against the SAP / ITSMobile ERP solution. Any info, account you may know of - would be appreciated. I want to see what their challenges are versus the challenges a local account are experiencing. Thx

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2 Replies


We've got a customer in the early phases of deployment (2 sites) with ITS-Mobile...  using MC9190 WM running the Wavelink client. Are they just looking for customer references or more about comparing notes?

R Robert Kloentrup

I have a customer that has done a partial deployment of MC9090/9190s running SAP ITS Web interface, probably a total of about 150 devices to date. I don't know a lot about the challenges they may have faced on the front end because it was all done through ITS without any interaction from us. I can tell you that Wavelink's web emulation works very well with it and even has some settings specific to the ITS keys, etc. They tried to use Pocket IE (over my objections) and it works but of course the function keys aren't mapped and it just doesn't work very well compared to the Wavelink solution. Unfortunately this customer has never been receptive to being a reference before so I don't think I can help with that part.

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