Anyone know what version of Appcenter is supported on WT41N0 CE7? I have tried a few that run but can't get around the Not a supported Platform error. Not sure what platform.reg to use.
WT41N0 Appcenter// Expert user has replied. |
WT41N0 Appcenter// Expert user has replied.Anyone know what version of Appcenter is supported on WT41N0 CE7? I have tried a few that run but can't get around the Not a supported Platform error. Not sure what platform.reg to use. |
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3 Replies
During my tests I was just copying the .exe file (from WCE500\WT4000) in the temp folder and I was able to run it without any issue.
In my tests I was able to use the Build 2018 without any issue
I am trying 2018 and continue to get Platform not approved messages. What platform.reg file did you use?