I am trying to get the RS507 to send the ENTER key after the scan. Seems easy enough right? Can't make it happen for the life of me. Did Scan Suffix - 7 0 1 3 - 1 Tried 1 - Scan Suffix 1 - 7013 Has someone send me a SCAN123 PDF with Scan Suffix - 7 0 1 3 - 1 This is supposed to work on everything. Nothing - in fact I lose connection when I scan that one. Can anyone explain how to append ENTER to a scan from the RS507 attched to ET1 as HID device? Thanks
RS507 to ET1// Expert user has replied. |
3 Replies
Thanks for the feedback. I have tried using the barcodes in the manual. There is but no "ENTER" barcode. There is Scan Suffix 1 as well. The chart for CR/LF says use 7013. So I scan then 7 then 0 then 1 then 3. I get a happy beep so I think I am doing it right, but alas, when I scan into Wavelink it will not send the data to the host without manually pressing enter on the soft keyboard. SCAN123 says do Scan Suffix 1 - 7013 - Again, I get a happy beep but no ENTER is sent. I have tried every sensible combination possible without success. I am using a DOC written by Chris Sather which got me connected and scanning into ET1 without an issue. All I am trying to do now is add ENTER to the scan. His document uses (optional) but doesn't elaborate on the use of Suffix. Thanks again for your feedback.
Have you tried setting Auto Send Scans within Wavelink? Might only work for 5250/3270. You could also try setting up a Data Wedge profile and set Send Enter Key from the Basic Data Formatting in the profile. I've haven't used a RS507 with ET1 but this worked using camera and scanner module.
Hi Michael, try to use the standard configuration using the barcode manual...Scan option-datasuffix-Enter. Bye