Remote Desktop Zoom capabilites

M Marcus Kurath 3 years 5 months ago
4 4 0

I have a custyomer who uses Remote Desktop on MC9090 and MC9190CE devices and is satisfied with the size of the text/ icons on the screen. They would like to deploy MC55A0 to a select group of workers, but due to the VGA screen on the MC55A0 the text is so small the users cannot read it. I have used registry entries to set a fixed zoom on IE to address a similar  issue on web based programs ..Has anyone found a way to "zoom" the RDP screen??

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4 Replies

M Marcus Kurath

Ken Thanks for sending..I'll be interested in taking a look at how this is done..I was able to solve the issue by using the Zoom function...(tap the black toolbar at the top of the screen and hit the +)...I suspect that this might make that persistent, but we'll see


Yes Valery.  Thanks for finding the site.  I couldn't remember exactly where I found the fix. Ken


Marc, The attached CAB will trick the RDP host into rendering the screen in QVGA mode. Ken

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