MC9190 CE6 and SAP ITS Mobile - slow

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
16 1 0

Team, Customer is facing slow SAP performance on MC9190 CE6 with standard IE browser. They claim that MC9090 CE5 is fine while MC9190 is 5-7 time slower in terms of browser feedback. Tried beta BSP32 without MS QFEs, setting CAM mode and disabling WMM - no visible results. I saw a thread with suggestion to use Rho client instead of standard browser so I'm looking for instructions amd gotchas on how to setup Rho runtime on MC9190 CE6 (or WM) to work with SAP/ Thanks, Valery

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1 Replies

H Hector Meza

SAP has several version of their software but the thing you need to be aware of is that SAP has templetes that are used to map specific keypad behavior.  The original SAP templetes have HTML code that leverages Motorola EMML (Enterprise Mobile Markup Language - HTML META) that is supported with Pocket Browser and RhoElements.  You should see an improved performance but you will also need to point the SAP consultant to the proper KeyCapture API in Rho - some of the SAP templates are dated for MC9060/9090.  The following is a sample of keyCapture META that we used with SAP ITS Mobile for the function keys on the MC9190 with Rho                                                  Hope this is helpful

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