Current Draw from VC6090

D David Dederick 3 years 5 months ago
1 3 0

Hi Team, Has anyone measured the current draw from a VC6090? I saw the one for the VC70 which is probably close but direct measurements from a VC6090 is what I need. I am working on a very large opportunity for a trucking company and they want to know the impact of adding the VC6090 when their tractors are parked. Thanks for any information. Dave

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3 Replies


Here are the data for VC6096 that I've received from support some time ago. VC6090 should be close or even less (no gsm at least):
RUN mode

VC6096 is in RUN mode when connection to battery is via

ü   Vehicle power cable and IGNITION indication is ON

ü   CLA cable

ü   Desk top power supply

Average current consumption in RUN mode is 500mA



VC6096 will enter SUSPEND mode when connection to battery is via

ü   Vehicle power cable and IGNITION indication is OFF

Average current consumption in SUSPEND mode is 70mA


User OFF mode

VC6096 can reduce its current consumption by entering into OFF mode. A special SW API support this mode

Average current consumption in user OFF mode is 50mA


Critical OFF mode

VC6096 will enter Critical OFF mode when input voltage or ambient temperature are out of spec

Average current consumption in critical OFF is 50mA

E Evgene Vigoutov

When the tractors are parked and ignition signal is turned off, after a user specified period (between 1 and 5 min), the VC6090 will enter Suspend mode and will typically consume 60mA. It will stay in this mode as long as the ignition is off and the device is not activated

M Marcus Kurath

Dave I have never done any measurement but we have several hundred VC6096 in trucks at Nalco Chemical All vehicles are heavy diesel cabs...These vehicles are typically left outside all weekend --summer and winter as most of their work is done during the week. We have had no impact on the battery of the truck...I suspectthat once these devices go to sleep they dont draw much Another issue we noticed which affected the drivers at night...Any data recieved will wake the device up and turn on the screen..There is no way to turn the screen down to 0 brightness..this lights up the cab like a christmas ttree...the reseller wriote a black screen saver to address this issue. I did open and SPR, but I dont think the product group ever fixed the issue

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