MC40 Telnet Options

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M Marc Fluhrer 3 years 5 months ago
11 6 0

My customer is looking at the MC40 as a replacement to their current in-store gun style devices. They rely heavily on a Telnet client and a web based application. I loaded the Wavelink Telnet Android client this monring, and it worked to a point, I am not sure how easy it is going to be to configure Telnet by hand for 1000 devices. I am curious of anyone elses pain and successes implementing Telnet (Wavelink or other) on the MC40 (or ET1 for that matter), how you may have mass deployed it, how you dealt with customer Telnet settings. Thanks for any feedback.

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6 Replies

I Ian Jobson

Jack, If I'm creating the TEConfig.xml file can I not just copy that straight to the unit instead of using a web server to upload? If I have to copy TEConfigurationURL.xml onto the unit anyway then just copying the TEConfig.xml over instead seems a more logical solution to me. If so would that need to be copied to \SDCard\Wavelink or another location? Thanks IJ

N Neville Harty

The missing piece of this puzzle is the link to the Wavelink website to create the xml file.  The address you supplied in the instructions is not valid - are you sure you can still access it? According to our local Wavelink rep this option was only available for the major customer you referred to and will not be made available generally. Instead what they are doing is forcing you to use their 'AOD' (Avalanche on Demand) cloud service.  This means the device has to be able to connect to the internet to obtain the configuration - a problem for my customers.  Any chance you can share a sample of what the xml file created by the Wavelink website looked like? What version of Wavelink Telnet was used?

J Jack Burleson

Hi All, In discussions with Wavelink I understand that this "configuration method" was only implemented for some specific customers, and is not "officially supported" by Wavelink and not intended for general use.   I also see that they shut down the web server at Thus, I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS FEATURE WILL BE SUPPORTED IN FUTURE VERSIONS.  I suggest that all of you who need this type of feature should contact the Motorola Solutions Product Mgr. for this product series and request this feature and post those GRIPs! In the interim, attached is a sample config file that has worked in a unit.  Be aware that this file contains some customization of "default parameters" to fit my customer, but I left them for instruction.  They are some Key macro's, as well as custom keyboard height, etc. You should be able to edit this file and make it your own.  As you look at it you will see that the XML labels match the configuration screes that are available within the Wavelink TE UI and thus should be self explanatory. Good Luck and get those GRIP / Requests in for this feature !!!!!!

N Neville Harty

I am very interested in the same issue. Marc, did you successfully utilise this process, and if so can you please provide a sample of the XML file you used? 

J Jack Burleson

Hi, I use this process and it does work.  Here is more detail on how to do this so you can test.  I have also provided a sample of the xml file you pre-stage on the MC40 to make this work. Loading a configuration automatically on the MC40 for the Wavelink TE is done as follows: An overview of the process is: The MC40 is staged with an xml file that contains the URL of a web server onto which the actual config xml file is placed. (If there is no web server accessible in production, I guess you could do this in a staging center to get a config file onto the unit). You go to a Wavelink supplied web site to generate a TEconfig.xml file that you will use. You place the config file onto the web server. When you starte Wavelink TE on the MC40, it will go to the web server and pull down the config file and configure itself. Following are detailed descriptions of how to create the files: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a folder on MC40 named \sdcard\Wavelink              Create a file and name it TEConfigurationURL.xml, and add the following lines:      http://x.x.x.x/TEConfig.xml         Change the URL IP address / host name to your a web server that is accessible by the MC40 when in use.        Copy the TEConfigurationURL.xml file to the \sdcard\Wavelink folder on the MC40 device.          Using a PC browse to the following URL:        &nb…;   Configure Your Host profile    Configure Your Emulation Settings                       Click download this config and save the file as “TEConfig.xml” (or another name you desire) and save it to your PC. Put this TEConfig.xml file onto the web server that is referenced in the TEConfigurationURL.xml file.      Launch TE on the Android device, you should see a message saying New Configuration was pulled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J Jack Burleson

The Wavelink TE client for the MC40 supports a configuration file similar to our other MSI devices.  This was added thanks to a major customer (not mine) that is using it. A simplified explanation for configuring it is to: a) Build a TEConfig.xml file with the settings needed in it. b) Put the TEConfig.xml file onto a web server accessible by the MC40. c) Load another small XML file onto the SDCARD of the MC40 as part of staging.  This file contains the URL for the web server/file referenced in b. d) Upon startup, the MC40 TE client will check and pull the config xml file down from the server and utilize it. This support is in the MC40 TE versions 1.3.06 and later.

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