NetLogger File Size - Need larger then default

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M Marc Fluhrer 3 years 5 months ago
3 3 0

I am trying to investigate a "wireless issue" that may or may not be a WAN or Handheld issue. I want to capture the network traffic on the handheld with NetLogger, but two files at 500k does not seem to be enough. I was wondering if anyone has done something to keep more files (default is two), or make the files larger. No matter what I set the file size to, it always seems to default to 500K. 28#\Windows\netlogctl.exe cap_size 990000 28#\Windows\netlogctl.exe cap_size 1500000 Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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3 Replies

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

In general, always start lnk files with 00#, so you do not have to care about counting bytes! And, yes, to apply size changes, first stop the logger, then set size, and finally start the logger.

M Michael Holman

Try this one.  That shortcut is not valid as it says 28# characters when there was 38 in your shortcut. 39#\Windows\netlogctl.exe cap_size 1500000


Pretty sure that you need to stop netlog, click that shortcut to set the size, then start it again for this to work. If you need it to start up this way automatically, you might need to put together a batch file to do the steps required, but I have not tried that. Also, make sure you stop netlog before you connect activesync.  Activesync will fill up the log with tons of stuff you don't care about.

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