MC9190 RDP Auto Start

// Expert user has replied.
M Marc Fluhrer 3 years 5 months ago
33 4 0

Sorry if this is simple, but i am having a hard time with the last step in a process. My customer is using the MC9190, they use Remote Desktop Mobile, and we are starting it with a Script, injecting the server and user information, but I am not sure how to get to the "Connect" button to start it. It is on the bar at the bottom. The users have to touch the "Connect" button today to start the session tot he remote server, and the customer wants it to auto start. Is there a key to define for the Connect button using SymScript, or another way to launch RDP and it automatically connects? I cannot Tab to it:     InjectKey 0x09            Sleep 500     InjectKey 0x09             Sleep 500     InjectKey 0x09            Sleep 500

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4 Replies


You might want to try motoTscClient instead.  I've attached the latest version to this post.  There is another post on DevZone which includes this information since this is the place where updates are also published. It is an alternative wrapper around Microsoft's msTscAx.dll, which is the same control that is wrapped by Remote Desktop. It allows you to automatically send the user name/password to the server.  The user name and password are stored in an encrypted format in the registry.   There is a user's guide in the zip file with further details. While this software is in use with several of our larger and small customers, it's use is at your own risk.  It will be updated periodically as Microsoft updates the control. If you have questions or comments on its use, it's best to send me email.  I'm not a frequent reader of DevZone.

M Marc Fluhrer

Thank you Dave, I saw this in some earlier posts and have played with it a little. It seems like a great alternative. Just curious if someone may have figured out how to invoke the "Connect" button somehow.


Marc,  The keypress for Connect is left softkey which should be 70h i.e if you add the line below to the script it should press the Connect button: injectkey 0x70

M Marc Fluhrer

It is Windows Mobile 6.5, MC9190-G.

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