Disable MT2070 Keyboard

M Mario Guillen 3 years 5 months ago
3 6 0

Team, We have a customer who wants to use the MT2070 to scan bar codes - so far, so good.  However, the customer also wants to disable the keyboard so that data input can only be through the scanner. Has anyone done anything like this, perhaps with the KPTool in the DCP? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. Mario

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6 Replies


You can also use the Microsoft DevicePowerNotify() API to disable the keyboard.  The attached SymScript will do this.  Copy the files in the ZIP file to \Application on the MT2000 and then run the CE_DisableKeyboard shortcut.


Mario,  Try the attached file which should enable just the keys you requested . I generally find kbtools a bit cumbersome to use so for simple remapping I just edit the .SCT file with a binary editor such as Fhred and change the byte values directly. The MT2xxx DCP is posted on Support Central so you could load the kbtools files in Visual Studio , modify the codes and recompile/execute the makebins.exe file to get the same result. Best Regards, Ian Hatton

M Mario Guillen

Ken and Ian, Thanks! Mario

M Mario Guillen

Ian, Thanks. Mario

M Mario Guillen

Ian, I tested the MT2000MATRIXKEY.SCT file which you sent.  It disables all the keys except the 2/ABC key.  Is that because the 2/ABC key is used for rebooting? It appears this approach will work for this customer by disabling some keys while enabling a few to navigate the application menu, e.g. disable all keys except the two soft keys, the arrow keys, the backspace key, and the ENT key.  How does one modify or create a .SCT file?  I cannot seem to download the DCP for MT2070c50.  Does one have to modify the binFiles table in MAKEBINS.CPP in the Tools\KBTOOLS folder?  If so, would you send a copy of the .CPP file you used to create the .SCT file? Thanks. Mario


Mario,  Try the attached remap file i.e. copy to \Windows and warm boot to test. It has all the scancodes zeroed out so in theory should disable all keys but I have not been able to verify this on a device. Best Regards, Ian Hatton

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