MC65 - Setting the WiFi Radio OFF

E Efrem Robinson 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

All, Does anyone have the necessary steps to force the WiFi radio OFF on the MC65??? I am using SymScript and the following call but it does not work... DEVICEPOWER WLP1: 4 1    // WiFi radio off Thanks, Efrem Robinson

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1 Replies

L Lodi van Elswijk

The WLP1 port does not exist on the MC65 and ES400 devices. I guess this has something to do with the fact that these devices, having different chipsets, run on a different platform. Most Motorola enterprise devices are running some version of the Motorola Platform Architecture (MPA); I believe I've heard the MC65/ES400 platform being referred to as VPA, but I have no idea what this stands for. Anyway, you can use port WCS1 in stead of WLP1 to control the WLAN power. So the command to turn off WiFi would be the following: DEVICEPOWER "WCS1:" 4 1

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