Hi all,
I would try to turn on the flashlight of the camera phone, if supported, using native android code.
I am using RhoStudio v 4.0.0, java jdk1.7.0_45, java jre 7, android ndk r9d and sdk for android 4.4(API 19).
Following the guide I do the following action
Added in the build.yml/extensions
run rhodes extension inside the project folder
changed the section inside the xml file in this location extensions//ext/.xml and run the command rhodes api .xml in the extensions//ext folder
changed the method inside extensions//ext/platform/android/src/com/rho//Singleton.java with the following code
Camera camera = Camera.open(); final Parameters p = camera.getParameters(); p.setFlashMode(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_ON); camera.setParameters(p); camera.startPreview();
modified the AndroidManifest.xml inside the folder C:\MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.0.0\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\rhodes-4.0.0\platform\android\Rhodes adding
When I run my app with the test app, the code does not work. I can connect to the camera (rhostudio capabilities) but I can't turn on the flashlight (in a native application the android code works).
No other has difficulties to integrate a native extensions?
Can someone help me with some troubleshooting or with a sample code?
Thanks, best regards,
1 Replies
Flashlight feature while capturing photo available in 2.2 Camera Api.
Camera::take_picture(callback_url, options_hash)
options_hash for iOS and Android Devices
options_hash is a hash used with take_picture and choose_picture on iOS and Android.
flash_mode (Android only) String. "off", "on", "auto", "red-eye", "torch".