How many sdcard volumes there are on the TC55 KK?

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P Pietro Francesco Maggi 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

Mr. showed me that, connecting TC55 KK to a PC (without an installed SDCard) you get two SDCard volumes, instead of only the internal one as on the TC55 JB.

Looking on the device, you can see that there's now an sdcard2 volumes... what is this?
What's the reason to introduce this change on the device?


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1 Replies

H Herbert de Jong

Hi Pietro,

Emulated storage is indeed added on KK TC55  it is getting very confusing also for apps trying to find storage area.

it is trying to work around the JB issue around  sdcard0 and sdcard1 being dynamically configured depending on having physical SD card added to device.

i see some apps which worked on JB now not able to work on KK and Physical added SD.

Llama profiles
Quick Office

also  default camera location is emulated storage and it is getting wiped on an reset.

if you move from JB to KK the photos on your physical SD are not seen by Gallery.

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