I need to learn to diagnose Staging Profile errors

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K Kenneth Haley 3 years 5 months ago
9 5 0

Recreated the install angry birds profile and its working on both MC40 and TC55.  Added the launch step and built a new profile to install and launch and get an error.  The install happened but the launch didn't.

I only see a single issue on the stage log but not sure where to look to correct it.

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5 Replies

V Vijayaditya K

Hi Kenneth,

can you please verify the OS version on your device.

TC55 : Android 4.1.2 JellyBean
Build Number=140220-S1-1800EN-01.74-15443J-4.1.2-user

MC40 : Android 4.1.1 JellyBean
Build Number=01-4AJ11-J-0600-0007-00-M1-090513

and Also, can you please try creating two staging profiles, one for installing angrybirds application on the device and one more staging profile to launch that application ?
apply these profiles in the order (installation and then launch) and let us know if the angry birds app is launched.


K Kenneth Haley

I am using an MC40 Build Number 02-4AJ11-J-0800-0015-V0-M1-052014

I can successfully install angry birds just not launch it.

I created a Launch Only profile

When I did the install angry birds it worked, when I did lauch Angry birds it fails.

Here is the MX log
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M: +727.366.2466
E: Ken.Haley@motorolasolutions.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=33852953&trk=tab_pro

K Kenneth Haley
K Krishna Raja


Still I see File Parm in the request. We can check what is the profile being sent

Can you attach the ASCProfile.xml? It is located in your user's profile folder. Easy way to access this is to click on a shortcut "Open Stage Log Folder" provided in the Staging program group

This will take you to the log folder. Stagingprofiles folder  is located one path before this under AST folder. You should see the profile XML inside the folder with your staging profile name

If possible add the snapshot of staging profile window


K Kjell Lloyd

Did you add the following MX Framework update file:.


Can be downloaded from here:

Hope this helps.

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