Installing custom drivers

// Expert user has replied.
A Angel Garcia 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

In our project we need to work with an external touch screen. The device can be found here:
- IRTOUCH SYSTEMS (USB single Touch)
As far as I know, we need to recompile the Android kernel to build the module, and then load it. For that I need the kernel sources, and somehow to load the new module into the system (the only way I know requires root access).
Can you help me out here? do you have the kernel sources you use for the CC5000 available for developers? How do you normally deal with this type of required support?

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1 Replies

A Adithya Krishnamurthy

Hello - we do not make the kernel source available to developers but if you have a large opportunity to connect the CC5000 to a different external monitor please contact a Zebra sales representative in your region so the business case can be relayed back through the right channels. Thanks.

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