TC75 WLAN Network connect failed on 5GHz Networks

H Horst Anderlohr 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

From the Beta site, we got the mesasage that TC75 will not connect to a Cisco and Apple Access Point in Germany.
Finally, we found, that the customer does use channel 100 and up in his environment.
By default those channels (52 - 140) are not activated, which was the reason why the device does not conntect to the network out of the box.

Those Channel are allowed in Europe:
36 - 48
52 - 140 (DFS and TPC required), restrictions on channels 120- 132 (but should be enabled as well)

Is there a reason why we do not enable all possible channels for Europe ?
If there is no technical reason, can we change the pre-defined settings to European requirements?
So far e.g. in MobiControl Stage there is no possibility to enable channels, therefore customers are fourced to set their 5GHz channels manually on every device....

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1 Replies


Hi Horst, this is the feedback from dev team:

  As there is a slight overhead as regards using DFS channels, they are disabled by default and can be enabled by the user if the configuration so requires. This is as per design.

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