[MC65/PHONE] Disable phone notifications ?

// Expert user has replied.
O Olivier JOUET 3 years 10 months ago
10 2 0

We are using special SIM CARD. They are able to connect to multiple network operators.
The problem with this cards, is that we have notifications from the phone programm:

Anyone could have an idea to disable messages ?
Best regards,

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2 Replies

J Jacques Gourmelen


In case it helps, let me bring the following knowledge article to your attention:
Disabling the 'Cannot Connect' notification bubble in Windows Mobile 6 - Knowledge Base - Knowledge - IngenuityWorking

Kind regards,Jacques

O Olivier JOUET

I found a registry key:


This key is working on other PDA brands, but not on MC65.

Any other idea ?

Best regards,

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