Touch Firmware Update Question

// Expert user has replied.
D David Fischer 3 years 10 months ago
9 1 0


According to the How to Upgrade Doc provided with the latest Build for the MC40 KK (build 060215) it says that if the Touch Firmware is older then v19 for the RevC Focaltech then the "" should be ran. I included that as one of my steps in the upgrade process since the version shown on the unit was v18 but after checking the version after the factoryreset it still showed as v18 and not v19. The update did say succesful when it was ran so I am not sure why the version did not update.

Has anyone else seen this on thier units?

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1 Replies

D David Fischer

Since it was advised that there was an issue using the "" on Rev B+/C devices and that it was okay to upgrade to the latest 060215 Build even if the Touch Firmware versions shows v18 I am going to mark this as answered.

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