I want to enable full_update for my javascript models.
Below is the link to do the same in Ruby . http://docs.rhomobile.com/en/5.1.1/rhodes/rhom
Since my models are in javascript i am trying to achieve it as below .
Adding the attribute inside the model.
Rho.ORM.addModel(function(model) {
model.property('employeeName', 'string');
model.property('employeeID', 'string');
But it doesn't seem to work. In spite of adding the above attribute to the model it sends only the changed attributes. I am using Rho mobile version 5.1.1 if that helps.
I have seen a workaround which appends characters () , this workaround doesn't seem viable in my case since i have a huge JSON , and doing this doesn't seem practical. If anybody could point me in the right direction regarding this it would be highly appreciated.
- Mohammed Aamir K
1 Replies
Hi ,
Is there anyone who can help me on this ? Right now this is critical to my project and I need full_update functionality to work as it is without any modifications to the JSON structure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.