Staging Failed after scanning barcode StageNow

F Fadil Mulalic 3 years 10 months ago
823 3 0

I created profiles in StageNow. But when scanning the barcode I get "Staging Failed" after 1 second. I don't know why.
I have created a Profile in StageNow to disable Wifi. When I look in the StageNow logging app I see the following error:
2015-06-22 11:36:44,384 ERROR [main.DecodeBarcode]-[161] Barcode Staging Failed: MX Response =
2015-06-22 11:37:23,849 ERROR [main.DecodeBarcode]-[161] Barcode Staging Failed: MX Response =
2015-06-22 11:41:40,202 INFO  [main.DecodeBarcode]-[177] Starting StageNow Client app
2015-06-22 11:42:10,028 ERROR [main.DecodeBarcode]-[161] Barcode Staging Failed: MX Response =
2015-06-22 11:44:10,333 INFO  [main.DecodeBarcode]-[177] Exit StageNow Client app
2015-06-22 11:46:52,975 INFO  [main.DecodeBarcode]-[177] Starting StageNow Client app
2015-06-22 12:04:50,806 ERROR [main.DecodeBarcode]-[161] Barcode Staging Failed: MX Response =
With every barcode I get the same error. 2 weeks ago I had a Zebra Android Seminar and a workshop StageNow and then the staging worked but now I it doesn't.
Thanks in advance!
Kind Regards,

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3 Replies

T Tony Luneburg


I have an issues with StageNow on my MC40 with KitKat.
I migrated LollyPop to KitKat.

Error in the StageNow log after scanning several QR-Codes is: MxFrameworkService: Not allowed to access MXMF, CSP Manager is not ready.

I like to do a factory reset, however I do not have the .zip file to do this. (I have if for LollyPop)
Can you help?


T Tony Luneburg

thanks for your message.

I use an MC40 not a T55.
Do you know if there is also a factory reset file for the MC40 KitKat?


r roberto cottone

Hi Fadil,

Can you export your profile using the button to the right of the profile name in the All Profiles list and post the exported XML here so that we can try the same profile? Also , are you using an upgraded JellyBean device or a KitKat device (and which model is it)?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?