Error when attempting to run EnterpriseEnabler

// Expert user has replied.
P Paul Diston 3 years 10 months ago
7 2 0

I have copied the T55N0JXUVPKEN17400.apk to a TC55, installed this APK and then run the EnterpriseEnabler, when prompted to Enable Enterprise Permissions, I tap on the button and then the device reboots.
I then get a Error screen which includes the following information :-
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
Enabling Enterprise Permissions...
Enabling SUPER Permissions...
set_perm: some changes failed
E:Error in /cache/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
The APK came from here :-…
I am not sure how else enable enterprise on the device.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Paul Diston

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2 Replies

R Ritesh Gupta


Have you tried to re-install the OS update firmware first before running enterprise enabler?  The OS will be a zip file:


T Tsu Beng Tan


You can try to perform FactoryReset ( then retry again.

May i know what is your device Build number?

In addition, EnterpriseEnabler is only for GMS build. Though it is no harm to apply it on professional configuration (non-GMS build), EnterpriseEnabler will check the OS version that device is running in recovery mode and skip to do anything if the running OS is non-GMS version.
Release Notes -
Hope this helps.Tsu Beng

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