RMS 5.1.1 uninitialized constant Rho::Timer in RhoSimulator

// Expert user has replied.
A Adel Sari 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

i get this error in RhoSimulator when using a timer in ruby code,

Server Error
Error: uninitialized constant Rho::Timer
C:/RhoMobileSuite5.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rhodes-5.1.1/lib/framework/rho/rho.rb:1236:in `const_missing'

my code is: sync_timer = Rho::Timer.create()

the same code works fine on device.
so the error occurs JUST when on the RhoSimulator.

any help ?

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2 Replies

J Jon Tara

I try to avoid rhosimulator, as the environment is too far from realistic. I do see, though, that the rhosimulator browser has been updated in 5.1.1. Still, I have had issues using, say a native tabbar.

rhosimulator is tempting, though, because of the ability to debug with quick turn-around.

I get the impression that Zebra is moving away from rhosimulator. The new "live reload" feature provides a viable alternative when working with Ruby code.

For iOS, I use Apple simulator or actual devices. In either case, you can use Safari Web Inspector for UI inspection and Javascript debugging on both Apple Simulator and real device. (Must be dev build installed by USB.)

For Android, I use GenyMotion or actual devices. The Google simulator is really too slow to be of practical use. GenyMotion is a commercial product, but there is an "Indie Developer" option that is reasonably affordable, if you are an individual or a small shop. You can also use Chrome Dev Tools, similar to Safari Web Inspector, but does require I think Android 4.4.

Build times are not bad for iOS. For Android, they are much longer. But build has been improved lately, and in 5.1.1 (not sure at what version this started) once each library is built, it uses the pre-build library on subsequent builds.

It certainly helps to use a fast computer, in any case!


Hi Adel Sari,

Timer is not available for RhoSimulator,


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