Changing the NAME on a Android Device

// Expert user has replied.
D Daniel Teeters 3 years 10 months ago
70 2 0

Is there a way to change the Name on a Android Device, like you can on a CE device?
    Customer's application needs a specific name for each device.
In this case it is the TC55.

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2 Replies

J Jon-Luke West

Can you be more specific please?  What method call are you using to obtain the name and in what context?

ex. Android Activity getting the device model type:

public static String get_DeviceType() {

  String result = null;

  result = Build.MODEL;

   return result;


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Dan,
One of my customer had a similar requirement moving from Windows Mobile to a TC55, having to identify the devices with a name. Previously they were using a key in the registry, I've implemented for them some code to use a custom EAP Identity in the WiFi setup to have a unique name easily manageable by their IT.
I've a short presentation about this and wrote some additional notes on my blog.
Here's the original Proof of Concept github project and the RhoMobile project with the native extension to access the Enteprise WiFi parameters.

Best regards

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