rhoelements shared library issue with modules not found log errors

t theo furber 3 years 10 months ago
6 0 0

We're attempting to get a mc9500 with wm6.5 with rhoelements 4.0.0 going.  I installed the shared library and setup the config.xml to hold the license key along with setting the correct default remote start url. The log file reports the license is accepted, but i'm having a problem with calling some of the modules like wake and camera.
here's a snip from the log file
I 07/23/2015 10:27:27:000 8bf7c5d6 Core::CMeta::GetModule| Plug-in: wakecannot be found in Plugin.xml
W 07/23/2015 10:27:27:000 8bf7c5d6 Core::CMeta::SetPlugProperty| Module wake not found.
here's my snip from the index.html we are trying to test with

    function test(){ 
      Rho.Battery.batteryStatus({}, display); 
    function display(batteryValues){ 
      alert("Battery Level is: " + batteryValues['batteryLifePercent']); 
      Rho.Battery.stopBatteryStatus(); //Add this line 


    battery test 
I do get correct return when i attempt to query for the battery status, but the wake lock and wifi lock have my baffled.
Any ideas?
Am i correct in assuming that the shared library includes javascript access to all of the api? Or must we compile a library because the shared one does not include everything?

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