Chromecast - cast screen function does not work

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H Hunter Bradshaw 3 years 10 months ago
5 5 0

I use Chromecast to cast the screen of the TC55 KK device for demos.
This feature is not working on the current firmware of the TC75  (BSP 070915)

Any ideas?


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5 Replies

H Herbert De Jong


using TC55 GMS 02.52.07 and TC75 GA2 GMS the  Cast Screen from Display menu will not work indeed.

however if you use Youtube  i am able to screencast to my ChromeCast adapter ok

i am unsure / unable to test  Cast Screen with other KK units  so not sure how and if that will work.

maybe somebody from devteam can comment

H Hunter Bradshaw

Chomecast is still not working on the 15th August release.

H Hunter Bradshaw

I have tried to cast the screen of the TC75 again using Chromecast on the latest BSP (072715 ) but still it does not work.


H Herbert De Jong

Hi Daniel,

this is TC75  non GMS build ?
how do you test Chromecast,  can you tell me what application you sideload and what version of it ?

i can test at home, with Chromecast,
doesnt it rely on GMS services ?

H Hunter Bradshaw

Hi Herbert,
yes it relies on GMS.  The app is Chromecast and works with the Chromecast HDMI dongle plugged into a TV screen.  Once connected hit menu and then choose "Cast Screen". The screen on the TC75 should be displayed on the TV screen.
FYI, This works on the TC55 "REV B" GMS OS.


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