Catching the [create-error]/[update-error] exceptoin

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

Newbie here

i have this method in my source adapter
this.query = function(resp) {
new rc.ServerErrorException(resp, "Server not available.Contact your administrator");
        var result = {};
        var str = '';

I am able to catch the error message on my ui using

If i do the same in the create or update method of source adapter i am not able to catch the error ,i tried methods from docs it still wouldn't work , if anybody can provide the proper javascript syntax that would be much appreciated.

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1 Replies

J Jake Bernstein

Hey Abhilash,

Have you checked out the recent tutorial on learning RhoConnect? Rhomobile | RhoConnect Tutorial? I found it very useful for getting to know RhoConnect when I was first starting and it has a great example of how to structure your Javascript Model.

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