How to exit OS on Smart Badge

R Ricardo Gonzalez 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Hoping to get a quick response -usally takes MONTHS, =\ if any-
Just received a new bunch of SB1's but new OS configuration file seems not having the option to exit to O.S. I need to configure specific settings on network but I can't from the simplistic configuration settings windows. Is there any way to either get unto Fusion Profile Editor or exit to OS to perform such tasks?
Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

May I suggest taking a look at using the RDT (Rapid Deployment Tool) download here:…

This will allow you to have all your network information contained in a barcode that you scan using the RD Client on the device. It'll give you more options than whats available in the default SB1 network setup.

R Ricardo Gonzalez

Is this one?

* @description secret code to enable quit button in settings menu
* @example 
* @type {String}
config.quit = '';

Can’t find what you’re looking for?