upgrade_bundle fails

T Tahir Zamir 3 years 10 months ago
1 0 0


sdkversion: "5.0.38"

I have created upgrade_bundle.zip and it is accessible at the specified url.

Following the steps in the documentation, the following line succeeds:-

::Rho::RhoSupport.rhobundle_download(url_to_package, url_for(:action => :httpdownload_callback))

The next line fails:-


Corresponding example entries from the log file are:-

RhodesAppBase.cpp: 395| Unzip item failed: 512; RhoBundle/apps/public/

RhoFile.cpp:  89| Can't open dir: /data/data/mydomain/rhodata/apps/public

RhoBundle| Error happen when replace bundle: Unable to copy folder: /data/data/mydomain/rhodata/apps to : /data/data/mydomain/rhodata/apps_temp_journal; Code: 2

Can anyone shed any light on this?


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