How can I identify my current MC device using the symbol sdk

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
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I'm currently looking for a way to identify programatically which device I'm currently using. I want to use the symbol SDK to identify whether MC3090, MC3190 or MC3200 is currently used.

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Franz,
In C, you can use the Microsoft SDK API: SystemParametersInfo using the parameter "SPI_GETOEMINFO".

As an example, there's a note in the EMDK for C help that states:
The OEM Name string changes from “Symbol” to “Motorola” for newer devices. For example the SystemParametersInfo ( ) function on MC70 returns “Symbol MC70” and on the MC75, it returns “Motorola MC75”.

For C# this discussion may help, I don't have a device to test this on.


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