Send DEL key on MC9090 or MC9190

// Expert user has replied.
R RICHARD BEITLER 3 years 10 months ago
7 1 0

We recently starting using an application that requires the DEL key to be pressed for a specific function.  I cannot seem to find any way to send this with the 53-key keyboard on a MC9090 or MC9190.  I have tried every combination of Func+BKSP, Shift+BKSP, Ctrl+BKSP, etc.  The only way I can send the correct key is to bring in the on-screen keyboard and send it that way.
Does anyone know of a way to send a DEL key?

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1 Replies

p patrick fischer

Wavelink requires a key macro to do a DESTRUCTIVE BACKSPACE. if this is necessary set the key macro in Wavelink Emulation parameters.

For WT4090 or 9090CE5 , Here is the DESTRUCTIVE BACKSPACE macro: or Backspace Delete0008:\0008\5300

KB 468 and 528 in Wavelink
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