Manage Applications in StageNow

// Expert user has replied.
E Eric Wong 3 years 10 months ago
5 3 0

I'm testing the StageNow (PC, Android functions with a KK TC55 and can successfully configure a WiFi profile and connect to a WiFi network.
However, when I try the 'Manage Applications' functions, I only got the "Staging Failed" message.
Firstly, I copied the APK to /sdcard/Download and use the 'Upgrade' action. Secondly, I tried the 'Download the file to my device' but input to the 'Source File URL' field is not accepted.
Before scanning the 'Manage Applications' bar code, the TC55 was connected a the same WiFi network with the StageNow PC.
I attached xml file of the profile and screen capture for the 'Source File URL' for reference.

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3 Replies

K Khai-Van Phu

Hello Eric,

I made a YouTube video demonstrating how to use StageNow in order:

to set up a TC55's Wi-Fi connection to connect to an Access Point
to wirelessly push & silently install an APK file (FTP Server app) into TC55.

Note. Laptop computer where resides the apk file & Wi-Fi access point are on the same subnet.

Hope this help


K Khai-Van Phu

Hi Eric,

I played a bit with StageNow v2.

StageNow can wirelessly transfer an APK file from your computer to TC55 and install the apk silently. Is it what you want to achieve?

If yes I can make a video showing how this is achieve.


E Eric Wong

Hi Khai,

Yes, exactly what you described. A video will be very helpful.


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