'Adding UHF RFID Reading capability to our new TC8000 Rogue Device' - Thoughts / Opportunities / Projects ?

P Peter Walsh 3 years 10 months ago
2 0 0

Dear Team,

I have been talking to Nestle (under NDA) about the possibility of adding UHF RFID Reading capability to our new TC8000 Rogue Device, with the additional benefits that could bring.

Because, the TC8000 Rogue Device has an 8MP Integrated Camera, adding UHF RFID reading capability to the TC8000, gives you the chance to broaden the total solutions available to our Customers. For example: -

1)  Dimensioning
2)  Recording Exceptions
3)  Collecting additional evidence while using Data Capture
4)  Combining photos with Tags reading, for extra information, within context, etc.

Therefore, what are your own thoughts here, please ?

As we could see of there is enough of a ground-swell, to help build a strong enough Business Case, for presenting this additional requirement to the BU, which could give us a significant 'Competitive Advantage'.

Many Thanks,

Peter Walsh.

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