RFID in the Tire Industry & Supply Chain

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
15 2 0

There is a growing interest in the Tire Industry to add RFID tags to Tires. Advantages: More Safety, Better Quality, lower costs, get real time information where tires were manufactured, more efficient recall processes, better registration at POS which tires are sold to which companies and mounted on which trucks/cars, decreased counterfeit with Tires on Trucks and rental cars, more efficient refurbishment of used tires and more.

There already haven been taken several interesting global and local initiatives to add RFID to car, truck and Bus Tires. The UHF RFID tags are mounted on the outside from the Tires using special Adhesives and label materials but are also melted into the Tire in the manufacturing process. This solution needed Research and Development during 2-3 years but in The Netherlands we now have a partner who succeeded in developing the right tag on the right substrates that survives temperatures of more than 220 degrees Celsius and the pressure on tires during the manufacturing process but also during the lifetime of the Tire.

Global roll-outs are expected in Q1/Q2 2016 by 1-2 global Tire manufacturers. Due to Mandates from the Emirates that RFID tags are mandatory to Tires shipped to the Emirates (July 2015) more companies will follow. Also in the US significant steps (also by the Government) are taken to get RFID on/into Tires and rise discussion about Tire registration in the supply chain and by buyers/consumers.

Please find attached several articles/white papers and links to relevant information about this topic.

Discussion tracking / reistration Tires in the supply chain in the US

Groups say RFID chips in tires would speed recalls - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer's No. 1 News Source




Case in The netherlands RFID on refurbished Tires:

Dutch Tire Company Bonds EPC Tags to Retreads - RFID Journal

View our work | Ferm RFID

RFID mandate Emirates:




Maybe it would be a good idea to bundle  opportunities and requests in this market and share business cases


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2 Replies

R Ritesh Gupta

Hi Charles,

Very interesting and pretty awesome that the tag can survive that kind of temperature.


l lukaluka lukaluka

RFID technology revolutionizes the tire industry and supply chain by enhancing tracking and management. RFID tags embedded in tires provide real-time data on inventory, production, wheel alignment shops in vennala and distribution. This improves accuracy in stock management, reduces loss, and streamlines logistics. Additionally, RFID helps monitor tire performance and maintenance, ensuring better quality control and extending the lifespan of tires throughout their lifecycle.


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