UHF Gen2 version 2 (G2) support on Zebra RFID Readers

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r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
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We got various questions from RFID partners about our support of the new UHF Gen2 Version 2 standard.

I saw in the RFD8500 presentation/materials that this reader is supporting this new standard.

What about our other mobile and Fixed Readers. Are we going to support this in those readers also and is it just a SW/Firmware change or does it need a hardware modification?

On the Impinj Website:

“An update to the UHF Gen 2 standard, called UHF Gen 2 V2, or just G2, is in the process of being ratified. This new standard builds on the original V1 standard, but ensures that future RFID communications have more complex and powerful security options to protect data and prevent tag counterfeiting.”

Charles Worm
Snr. Sales Engineer Benelux region

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1 Replies

J Jw Franz

Hi Charles,

You may have seen this response below i posted last week to a similar question...

Any addition information requested will need to be directed to the RFID Product Manager Altaf Mulla.

G2v2 for FX7500  is on our roadmap - but the schedule has not been committed. Without any firm commit, my prediction is most likely availability for production during early part of G2, 2016.

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