Does MC92N0 with DataWedge 3.6.10 prefix/suffix work with Profile0 ?

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M Mark Schaefer 3 years 10 months ago
15 2 0

Using MC92N0 with DataWedge 3.6.10, I set Profile0 prefix & suffix with '$'.
But it doesn't seem to send these characters during the scan.
Does prefix/suffix work with Profile0 ?

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2 Replies

C Christopher Sather

I tested Data Wedge 3.6.10 on a MC92NO CE7 and it worked with the $ prefix and suffix.  I have attached the DW config.  Are you using CE7 or WM653?  Either way, place the attached files in \Application so that the folder structure is\Application\DataWedgeStoredConfig.

r roberto cottone

I just tried it on an MC9190 CE with DW 3.7, and it worked for me.  I went into Basic Configuration/Basic Format/Prefix to data and Suffix to data and set them both to $. Also made sure that the is a checkmark next to "Enabled" in "Basic Format".  Then I go into wordpad and scan a barcode and I see the $ characters before and after my scan.

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