Missing Push Notification Entitlement (email from Apple)

// Expert user has replied.
A Adel Sari 3 years 10 months ago
36 5 0

I wanna publish a Rhomobile (5.1.1) application (built for iOS) to App Store, i am not using the native push service, neither rhoconnect.
when i upload my build to iTunes Connect i get an email from Apple:

Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the "aps-environment" entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the "aps-environment" entitlement.

i don't have the 'push' in build.yml capabilitiies.
in my mind, the push service is not activated by default unless we add the capability in build.yml

any suggestions ? (my build.yml is joint)

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5 Replies

D Debraj Dhar

Hi Adel,
As mentioned by Rob, it looks more like  a bug from Apple side,
and we have to wait for a fix from them..

R Robert Galvin

Hi Adel,

I also read of others having the same issue and it seems like it is an Apple problem. Also sounds just like a warning but the approval process will still be ok.

How to remove push notification API | Apple Developer Forums

aps-enviroment entitlement | Apple Developer Forums

A Adel Sari

Thanks Rob,
i know it's just a warning, the application was successfully sent for review.
my provisioning profile don't include 'push services'.

A Adel Sari

no response, after 3 days ?

R Robert Galvin

Hi Adel,

This is most likely due to how you creating your provisioning profile. Make sure you do not create it with APS enabled. We do not by default include push abilities in the project.

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